
Day One

1. My name is Betsey. It's short for Elisabeth. People rarely spell my name correctly and it's ok. What's not ok is when people act shocked/ try to argue with me when I tell them Betsey is in fact a nickname for Elisabeth. Deal with it.
2. I love having a unique name. I have only met two other Betsey's in my life, both of which were over seventy. I will give my children unique names. I think it builds character.
3. I genuinely love Harry Potter. I don't have a favorite year/book. I love them all equally. Whenever I read the books I always have really animated dreams. Part of me thinks there really is a secret magical world full of wizards and all of us muggles just aren't paying enough attention to notice.
4. I always fall asleep on road trips. My definition of a road trip is anything over 30 minutes.
5. My favorite food is spaghetti. No meatballs.
6. I could eat cereal three meals a day. Thanks Kelsey. :)
7. I grew up on a farm but don't know how to drive a stick shift.
8. In highschool I had really long hair. I have had really short/mohawk style hair for almost three years. I've forgotten what it's like to be able to put my hair in a (real) ponytail.
9. My favorite clothes are the ones I stole borrowed from my sister.
10. I paint my nails several times a week. Hot pink and dark purple are my favorites.
11. I love to cook. But I hate doing the dishes.
12. I have 2 sisters and 7 sisters in law who are all great ladies and good influences in my life. (Well I guess one of them isn't quite a grown up yet, but you know..) I'm lucky to live close to my best friend who also happens to be my sister. I would be pretty much friendless without her.
13. My favorite color is blue. Or pink. Or green. But my favorite color to wear is black.
14. I'm a huge softy and cry a lot. I cry in movies, during commercials, when I read sad things, when I read happy things....I cry too much. It's something I'm working on ok? :)
15. I found my other half much earlier in life than I was planning on but in retrospect it was perfect timing and I can't even remember not knowing him.

1 comment:

Kelsey and Jon Edwards said...

I have dubbed myself your official Blog cheerleader! As such, I'm currently doing a dance of some sort and saying "Bets you can do this new blog thing everyday!" (with lots of arm movements) Really though I love it when you blog.
Also you are oh so welcome for the cereal introduction.:) Love you.