
Sleep. Who needs it?

So here it is. Two o clock in the a.m. and I am sitting on my computer unable to sleep. There are a few good reasons why I'm finding it hard to let my brain shut off for a few hours tonight...but we'll get to that later.

Things I want to talk about......

  • My job was completely crazy and sucked my social life away for the last few months...but I loved it. :) A few things I learned while braving the treacherous weather to make other people happy.....1. There is a huge difference between a hippie and a dirty hippie. 2. Weed smells like a skunk. 3. Sunblock is your friend unless you like the thought of skin cancer. 4. Some people actually DO get to ski for a living. 5. I can basically predict when a storm is coming for days in advance. It's just a feeling you get. 6. It's actually ok to be environmentally friendly and recycle. No one will make fun of you. 7. Sometimes those annoying boys that flirt with me while I was punching their tickets turn out to be awesome guys. :) Just watch out for the ones wearing tie dye.
  • When you get locked out of your house...the doggie door actually does come in handy. Just don't tell anyone you had to crawl through it. And lock it at night so creepy stalker people or skunks can't get in too.
  • You know you have been away too long when the thought of jumping back into the rexburg bubble actually sounds appealing.
  • I am setting a few really good goals this semester...I'll post on them later I am sure.
  • So I was logging on to my computer the other day and checking out a few blogs I read pretty regularly and I was pretty disappointed to find that there were no new posts. But then I realized I am a total hipocrite and I never ever post anymore. So I'm going to do better guys. I promise. My life is less repetitive and slightly less interesting now so I will have much more time to write about it, but it won't be as exciting. So sorry. :)
  • Something one of my teachers said this week in class that I kind of loved....."If you have enough time to plaigarize well enough to not get caught, you have enough time to write the dang paper yourself."
  • And now the most important.....well actually I think I am going to keep this a secret for a few more posts. It's a big deal but not big enough to start a new blog or something.....details coming soon. Promise.
I'm really happy and I am loving life. So I'll be sharing soon. :) For now the sleep is creeping into my eyes and I am not going to fight it. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ande said...

YAY!!! I love that I had TWO blogs to read from you today! Best surprise EVER! I love you. With my whole heart. Also I think a post should be dedicated to the "miss you boy" because I won't get to hear anything about it except from a blog (darn Europe!) Thanks for posting!