
More thoughts.

I want to blog. I have a lot of thoughts that bounce around in my head and sometimes I start writing them but then I delete them. I start writing them and then I think....

"Why would anyone ever want to read this? Will people feel dumber for having stopped by my blog today?"

So then I delete them and go back to whatever I was doing before.

SO I think to keep myself motivated to keep typing. Typing and typing and typing. I will do some kind of weekly post with some kind of theme. Like 10 thing i love sunday or 2 things i love around my home or totally awkward tuesdays. This is also to keep my posts from being like this one. (Which I know is a little boring....Sorry.)

I will think about a really fun one I would like to do and it will probably have somehting to do with my husband. Who by the way I am madly in love with.


I'll be back and I really mean it this time.

I've been thinking.

I might start a married person blog. Because:

I think it's possibly a little selfish to have my own.


That's my only reason.

However...since I never even write about life things that happen to me on here...do I really have what it takes to keep up with a married bloggy??

Doubt it.

But ill keep thinking about it.

I have....


no words.

Try again later.