
A Wishlist of Sorts

I already know what I'm getting for Christmas but I thought I would make one of these anyway. Just some pretty things I like from around the web. Enjoy.

Sparkly TOMS. Lovely. Found here.

These awesome wedges. Did you know I LOVE purple? Found here.

Adorable and practical. Found here.

We could really use a key rack. Why not a fun one? Found here.

An oversized overnight bag. I really need one of these! Found here.

Have you done all your Christmas shopping or do you like to wait until last minute like me?


I changed my domain name so if you look for newsynibby.blogspot.com you won't find me anymore! It's now officially meandthemustache.blogspot.com! Hope this doesn't cause too much trouble!


Day Ten

Songs you listen to when you are Happy:

Vampire Weekend-Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
Matt Costa-Sunshine
Feist-I Feel It All
The Temper Trap-Sweet Disposition
Starf*****-Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second
She and Him-Why Do You Let Me Stay Here
Hall and Oates-You Make My Dreams

Snow Patrol-You Could Be Happy
Death Cab-Plans album...the whole thing takes me back to a really sad/weird time in my life
Coldplay-Fix You
Amanda Seyfried-Little House (have you seen dear john? rip out my heart and stomp on it.)
Kate Nash-Foundations

Hyped/songs I like to jam out to:
MIA-Paper Planes
Michael Buble-Just Haven't Met You Yet
Pink-Raise Your Glass

It's finals week which means I have a cold. Every. semester. It's so annoying! Ugh! I only have a few finals left though so that's something. The end is in sight! 

What do you think of the new layout? 


Growing Up and Making Decisions.

Well I have officially decided to change up my blog. Since I'm married now and it's not just about me. Haha. I have some really fun ideas but I know nothing about html so we'll see how it works out. :) Stay tuned!


Follow Through.

Remember when I started this thirty day thing and then somewhere around day eight I totally stopped? Well instead of catching up on all the posts I have missed I'm just going to begin where I left off. 

So...Day Nine. Something you're proud of in the last few days.

This is a tough one? I think something I'm proud of is getting good grades this semester. This isn't exactly in the last few days but I am definitely proud of it. It's been a lot of work and studying and it's paying off. :)

Today I Learned...

Getting your wisdom teeth out and then soon after getting a cold is not a good idea. 

Sneezing is painful.

I've been neglecting the blog but I'm working on it.


Day Eight-Short Term Goals For This Month and Why.

Goals for November/December:

  • Learn to play one song on the piano.
  • It's just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative.
  • Make dinner more and learn some new recipes.
  • Get good grades this semester!
  • Take more pictures.
  • See Harry Potter. 
  • Not gain back the lbs I lost over the weekend.
  • Put my phone down more and be present.
  • Make a scrapbook.
  • Hang up pictures.
  • Get a Christmas tree and decorate it.
  • Send out cute Christmas cards.
  • Watch Elf at least seventeen more times. :)

Day Six-Favorite super hero and why.

I wasn't one of those kids who read comic books. I can tell you the major ones, Superman, Spiderman, Batman. You know, the usual. But that is about as far as my super hero knowledge goes. So honestly I don't have a favorite. But just look at this. It's pretty cute.

Day Five-A Picture of Somewhere You've Been.

This is Grand Targhee.
It's where I learned to ski shortly after I learned to walk.
It's where I spent every Monday in January, February, and March from ages three to eighteen.
It's where I got my first real job.
I have had some of the best days on this mountain.
This is where I met my husband.

It is one of my favorite places in the world.

P.S. This is me and my sister. Sometimes we are pretty weird. :)


Day Four-A habit that you wish you didn't have.

I have no follow through. I'm a complete flake and I never finish anything I start. It's terrible and I don't know if it's actually considered a habit but I definitely wish I didn't do it.

And I really really hate folding laundry. Just ask my husband.

Day Three-A picture of you and your friends.

This is Annie. She's my cousin/sister/best friend/side kick/confidante/comrade...... She has taught me so much and I love her. She won't be reading this anytime soon since she' about to head to Argentina! We have fun together and fight a lot and laugh until we cry.

Chloe, Andrea, Betsey, Bekah, Annie. When we were little we were always just called, the girls. We loved playing together at reunions and whenever we could be together. I have learned a lot from these girls and love them all so much.

Please ignore the blurry photo. These girls are my frooms. Froommates. We were friends and roommates. We had some great times. And some horrible times with our crazy roommates that we didn't really like and we may or may not have been slightly scared of them. We loved cupcakes and pixie sticks. We didn't love going to class. I mean, it was summer. Why would we go to class when we could go float the canal or go cliff jumping? 

We begged the summer to stay and allow us to soak up a few more drops. We thanked the summer and rocked it out all weekend in the beautiful Moses Lake. 

And then Kylie moved away. And then Courtney got married. Followed by me, Kylie and Kels. It happens. :)

Oh family. What is there to say. This is one of the more recent pictures of our whole family and includes all of us except for the newest edition, baby Sonora. We are a tight knit group and our best friends are each other. I feel really really lucky to have a family like them. 

You're thinking...wait isn't this supposed to be a picture of you and your friends? Well if you look closely I am in the reflection. I think. :) These two girls are my sisters. And two of my best friends. I love them and I count myself as one of the lucky ones. Oh and my mom is on the left. She's pretty cool too. 

I mean, there just really are no words.

This pretty much sums it up.



Day Three Four and Five coming at you tomorrow. I am working on them...I just don't have the energy to finish them tonight. Big test tomorrow and then a week of freedom!


Day Two-The meaning behind your blog name.

See here. It's really not that clever or interesting. Just a name. :) I have been thinking about changing it though to a more married blog type of name. Since I am, you know, married. It's a little selfish of me to keep this blog all about me. But wait...isn't that what blogs are for?

Anyway...I have been wracking (racking? wracking.) my brain for good names for a blog about a girl who got married but still mostly writes about herself. Hmmmm. Might be a tough one. If you have a good suggestion, leave it in the comments.


Day One

1. My name is Betsey. It's short for Elisabeth. People rarely spell my name correctly and it's ok. What's not ok is when people act shocked/ try to argue with me when I tell them Betsey is in fact a nickname for Elisabeth. Deal with it.
2. I love having a unique name. I have only met two other Betsey's in my life, both of which were over seventy. I will give my children unique names. I think it builds character.
3. I genuinely love Harry Potter. I don't have a favorite year/book. I love them all equally. Whenever I read the books I always have really animated dreams. Part of me thinks there really is a secret magical world full of wizards and all of us muggles just aren't paying enough attention to notice.
4. I always fall asleep on road trips. My definition of a road trip is anything over 30 minutes.
5. My favorite food is spaghetti. No meatballs.
6. I could eat cereal three meals a day. Thanks Kelsey. :)
7. I grew up on a farm but don't know how to drive a stick shift.
8. In highschool I had really long hair. I have had really short/mohawk style hair for almost three years. I've forgotten what it's like to be able to put my hair in a (real) ponytail.
9. My favorite clothes are the ones I stole borrowed from my sister.
10. I paint my nails several times a week. Hot pink and dark purple are my favorites.
11. I love to cook. But I hate doing the dishes.
12. I have 2 sisters and 7 sisters in law who are all great ladies and good influences in my life. (Well I guess one of them isn't quite a grown up yet, but you know..) I'm lucky to live close to my best friend who also happens to be my sister. I would be pretty much friendless without her.
13. My favorite color is blue. Or pink. Or green. But my favorite color to wear is black.
14. I'm a huge softy and cry a lot. I cry in movies, during commercials, when I read sad things, when I read happy things....I cry too much. It's something I'm working on ok? :)
15. I found my other half much earlier in life than I was planning on but in retrospect it was perfect timing and I can't even remember not knowing him.

Thirty days.

Well since I haven't blogged for a long time I have decided to do this little bloggy thing. Haha. Coming from the always lovely Jacqueline. I probably won't end up doing the whole thing because that's kind of how I roll but here it goes.

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?


Three and a half.

My hands smell like a baby. You know what I mean?

I just got to hold the most beautiful three and a half pound baby on the whole earth.

It's one of those things that just makes your heart happy.

This isn't helping that baby hungry thing.

Don't worry Mom. I'm not having a baby. :)


Perfect Score

Did you know that when you take a test in the BYU-Idaho Testing Center and you go out in the hall to check your score on that little screen and you get 100%, next to your I-number it says 'Perfect Score!'?

I do. ;)


Disclaimer: I am NOT pregnant.

Lately I have been having dreams where I am pregnant. In the most recent one, I was having quintuplets. Please pray for me that this is not a sign of what is to come. Kidding. :) After waking up and realizing it's just a nightmare dream I can't help but think about the future. With motherhood on the horizon (however distant) I often find myself wondering what kind of mother I will be. Will I be able to teach my children what's important in life? Will they be rebellious, will they fight with each other, will they be soccer players, will they make good decisions, will they like me when they grow up? With all the uncertainty of what's to come I find myself hoping that they inherit some of their father's traits. Like being funny, charming, good at everything under the sun, determined, smart, happy, witty, confident...I could go on and on. If I could just have one small peek into what it will be like to have kids maybe it would be easier to know when is the right time. Or maybe it would make me never want to have them! But I doubt it. I mean seriously. Just look at them.


Rough day.

Today consisted of:

laundry (sort of.)
grocery shopping
and really sore muscles

I'm tired and grumpy and still have to cook dinner. I got cranky with my husband and told him to give me some alone time. I just finished all my homework for the night and thought I would reward myself with a little blog time. And as I sit here I can hear Travis banging around the dryer trying to fix a belt? or something. And I'm so grateful that I have him. He's mine forever and I don't have to fix that awful noise that the dryer is making which is really good because let's be honest, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how. He's here and I don't have to do it all alone. Except for the grocery shopping. Sounds like a good trade to me. :)



Once upon a time there was a boy. A brother in fact.

 He was a farmer at heart. And loved horses.

He had a little brother who he liked to compete with.

Waterskiing was something he was good at. If you call crashing good. ;)

The boy liked to show off. Especially his legs.

See what I mean?

Sometimes he was a little crazy.

And he definitely loved to ski.

He served the Lord in Portugal for two years.

Then one day he met a girl.

They fell in love. And then one day this happened.

And then a few years later, this happened.

Over the years the boy grew and turned into a man. And then last week he turned into a father.

Once upon a time there was a girl......


It's about time.

Well since I haven't blogged in, oh almost two months, I thought I would get back on top of things. This summer has been a weird one. Trav was in school until the middle of July and I was working until the beginning of August. After that we headed up to Swan Valley and stayed most of the time with family while Trav worked with Joes on the farm. He loved every minute of it and I seriously loved getting to see Lulu every day. That kid could soften even the hardest of hearts I swear. So it feels like summer just started and now we are going back to school tomorrow! I have always been a summer girl and love everything that entails but this year I just did not get my fill of warm weather and tan lines and melty ice cream cones. Good thing we have family in arizona we can visit in a few months when the weather really starts chilling our bones.

In spite of being the summer lover that I am, I have always loved back to school time. It's seriously one of the best times of the year and I love the new clothes and sharp pencils that go along with it. It's just a really refreshing time of year and I always think of the new year starting in september and not january. Since we have not really been at our apartment much all summer I haven't been cooking. Like literally not cooking at all. I have been gathering recipes that I want to try and some of the old standbys that we love and I wrote up a dinner plan for the next month. I'm going to see if we can stick to this one and if it works out I want to do one every month. I obviously can't plan exactly what we will eat every night but I just put together five meals a week that we can cook whichever night we want. We have been eating out way too much lately and I have really wanted to kick that habit since it's not helping my thighs much.

Travis got a new job that he will be working part time this semester and we are both really excited about it! I'm excited because it means I get to be in school and he's excited because it's an engineering job and he is going to learn so much! Oh and the pay isn't bad either. :)

Oh and I decided to continue with my family picture/sibling posts because I only got to Ben. I thought this might be a good time since they have a new (tiny and adorable) addition to their family. More on that later.

Does anyone even read this? Ha.


The world would be a better place if my idiot neighbors didn't smoke right outside my window.

Especially since it's the one with the fan blowing air right into my face. I love secondhand smoke and all but come on. Really?

So remember when I was making a list of 100 things I want to do before I die and I only finished like ten? Well I'm working on it...I promise. I'm just not blogging that much. But I will. If I don't die of lung cancer first. ;)


It's about time.

Well a while ago I sat down to write a post. As I'm right in the middle of the dang thing my computer gets a virus! I have to admit my computer is getting a little old. At least as far as PCs go and although she has been pretty good to me over the years I could tell the good behavior wasn't going to last much longer. I guess I haven't updated my spyware in a while but still! Hello! I need my computer. It's the only thing I have to keep me occupied on my day off while my darling husband is off at school all day! Ok. Enough ranting.

So lately we have been up to a lot of fun stuff. Which I would post pictures of but we are seriously the worst picture takers in the whole world. Not even exhaggerating. Well anyway.

We had a really fun weekend and did lots of stuff with both of our familys. Saturday we slept in and then went to Trav's little brother's baseball game. I didn't grow up watching or playing baseball and up until last year when I met Travis, I thought baseball games have half times. But after a year of being part of the Roe family, I can proudly say I watched the whole game and knew what was going on at least ninety percent of the time. Ha. After that we went to the family barbecue and did a super fun scavenger hunt. One of Trav's cousins thought the whole thing up and it was seriously so fun. After that we went to my brother's and had another barbecue. It was fun to see my little neices. Man they grow up so fast!
Then of course we went to the fireworks with the Roes. Personally I would much rather light them myself in my own backyard but it was pretty fun. Until we went to leave and it took us almost two hours to get home because of the traffic! It should take us ten minutes. It was crazy. If we go next year we are for sure riding bikes.
Yesterday we went up to Swan Valley to enjoy the fireworks there and well...lets just say...they are doing the best they can. It was fun though. And it only took us ten minutes to get home. And then we found a very large amount of fireworks leftover from old family reunions. We stayed up so so late lighting the majority of them. It was really fun and the little girls had a blast with the forty seven boxes of sparklers. Pretty sure my hands will be permanently scorched from lighting to many at once!

Well that pretty much sums it up! Now that my computer is fixed and I have access to the internet I will be posting a little more often! :)



Hi people. So today I:
  • finished four paintings for my bedroom. 
  • did about a million loads of laundry. (why does our washing machine have to take fourty seven hours to do one load?)
  • cleaned the egg shells out of our non working garbage disposal. still non working.
  • took out the trash and all the rotten food in the refrigerator.
  • washed all the dishes! now we have glasses! yay!
  • wrote a blog post. oh wait...
  • finished the dark knight which i started last night and promptly fell asleep to in the first five minutes.
  • slept in!  
  • ummm...i think that's all.
Oh yeah and I have a mohawk. Like a really cool one. Yeah. Be jealous.

Travis played in a soccer tournament last weekend in boise. We stayed with my best friend from high school who I have not seen in like three years. It was so fun! And I read the new twilight book. The short one about Bree Tanner. It was so good! I want to read twilight again. Ha. And we watched shutter island! It was super freaky. That's it. Sorry that you are now down a few brain cells for having read this whole post!

(When I figure out how to get pictures from my phone onto my blog then maybe Ill show you my paintings and my hair!)



Well I have seen a couple of people do this so I thought I might join in. :)

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: What air conditioner?
B- My BEDROOM theme is: Haha. I'm working on it. But mostly really bright colors.
C- The CAR in the driveway is: There are a lot....just one is mine. Honda.
D- My DESK looks: like it belongs to a boy. Oh wait.
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: Around seven. Unless I have the day off and then it's much later!
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: Hair I guess?
G- My GARAGE is filled with: absolutely nothing.
H- My HOME is: usually messy but it's nice to finally have some space to mess up!
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bathroom you’d see: bright colors and my clothes on the floor. Travis hates it!
J- My favorite JUICE is: Probably grape juice.
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: the baby blue kitchenaid. Best purchase ever.
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: I think my mom. Thanks for fixing my sewing machine!
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: These.
N- My NEIGHBORS think I’m: super cool! Haha actually they probably think we are weird. Who knows.
O- If you OPENED my fridge you’d see: Water filter. And leftovers. And lots of applesauce!
P- My last house PARTY was: never.
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: Spicy chicken pasta! It's the best.
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: the bedroom! Ha.
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: right now garnier. Giant green bottle!
T- My largest TELEVISION is: also my only television!
U- UNDER my bed you will find: nothing!
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: maybe last week?
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: a million kids running around. They are so LOUD! Last week I heard on little boy yell, "NO ONE drink my mountain dew!" Stop giving your kids sugar. Come on people.
X- I wish I had X-TRA: money so I could decorate!
Y- My YARD is: full of children. :)
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: always later than I would like! 

Well that's it. Hope it wasn't too boring!


I sat down to write a post....

And I have no words. I keep writing and then backspace backspace backspace. So I'm just going to do some pictures....

This is the last few weeks of my life in photography.

We moved. I hate moving.

We had a LOT of birthday parties.

Travis says I paint my nails way too much.
He is probably right. :)

Did I mention it's been raining like crazy?
I could ride my bike to work but it's a little on the cold side for that. Hello?! I thought it was may!

That's it for now. Ill be back later with some other news. :)


Guess what?!!

I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!

Ok that's a lie.

The truth is that I met another Betsey today. This brings my running total up to 2.
The first one I ever met was 79. And she was skiing at targhee. Awesome. :)

I just feel like its something that should be documented. I mean sure. I have heard of plenty of Betseys. Everyone seems to have a cousin or an aunt or a great grandmother named Betsey. And then there's that famous one that sewed the american flag or something. No big deal. But I just think it's something special to meet these people.

Betsey's of the world:



Has anyone else ever noticed...

all the pageant moms on that show have one thing in common??

they are all fat. and unattractive. with bad hair and teeth.

Vicarious childhood? I think so.

Those poor little beautiful girls.


100 Things To Do Before We Die.

Pretty sure this post will be in several installments. Because we are making it up as we go along. :)

Visit these cities:
100. New York, NY
99. Madrid, Spain
98. Dublin, Ireland (on St. Patrick's Day of course)
97. Las Vegas, NV because we want to go to Cirque du Soleil so bad!
96. Anywhere with a lot of white sandy beaches and sunshine. Mediterranean maybe or Hawaii would be great!
to be continued!


I can't even think of a title.

These pictures are unrelated. But that doesn't make them any less adorable.

I'm home alone ALL day. Dang it college. Why do you think it's ok to steal my husband away from me all day?

It's not ok.

Things I should have done today instead of blog stalking:

cleaning the bathroom
hanging up clothes

Did I do any of these things?

No. But don't tell my husband.

His birthday is next month and he is going to have the coolest cake ever. :)


Speaking of lists.

Did you know I like lists?


There is this show on MTV that Travis and I love to watch. Actually he loves to watch it and I love to listen to it while I read other peoples blogs.

Anyway. It's about making a "bucket list" and actually doing those things on your list. And it's cool and since I'm kind of a follower..................I'm making a list.

I might even get lucky and Trav will help me add to it. But I doubt it. :)

I'll be back soon with the beginning of my list.


More thoughts.

I want to blog. I have a lot of thoughts that bounce around in my head and sometimes I start writing them but then I delete them. I start writing them and then I think....

"Why would anyone ever want to read this? Will people feel dumber for having stopped by my blog today?"

So then I delete them and go back to whatever I was doing before.

SO I think to keep myself motivated to keep typing. Typing and typing and typing. I will do some kind of weekly post with some kind of theme. Like 10 thing i love sunday or 2 things i love around my home or totally awkward tuesdays. This is also to keep my posts from being like this one. (Which I know is a little boring....Sorry.)

I will think about a really fun one I would like to do and it will probably have somehting to do with my husband. Who by the way I am madly in love with.


I'll be back and I really mean it this time.

I've been thinking.

I might start a married person blog. Because:

I think it's possibly a little selfish to have my own.


That's my only reason.

However...since I never even write about life things that happen to me on here...do I really have what it takes to keep up with a married bloggy??

Doubt it.

But ill keep thinking about it.

I have....


no words.

Try again later.



Looking back on my posting archives, it's sad to see only one or two posts each month. I'm lame. So to start a new year I'm definitely going to start posting more! Be back soon for a big post on what I have been up to lately!