So I have like six blog posts started....but not posted. I'm working on it ok.
This is Andy.
This is when he got home from his mission. He is such a good example to me. He wrote us faithfully every week. I think I kind of grew up while he was gone. When he came home I think he didn't know who I was. But then we lived next door to each other for a semester of college and I'm pretty sure the only meals he ever ate were when he was at my house. :)
He's a tough cowboy and he knows how to work hard. He knows how to fix stuff when it breaks. The other night I came home to swan valley and when I was walking in from the car I almost got eaten by a raccoon. It was scary. And then he went and shot it. He knows how to take care of the people he loves.
And this is the girl he is going to marry in two days. They are so in love. More than anyone I know. I love them. Really he is older than me but I have always kind of felt like he was my little brother. And now he's getting married.
No. I'm not crying. Ok maybe a little.