Does anyone know how to insert videos into a post? Until then....
This gives me goosebumps.
I know. Everyone hates to click on links. But just do it. I promise it's worth it.
Dear Husband,
Please stop doing your homework and come home.
I'll make you dinner.
Your Wife
I'll make you dinner.
Your Wife
Help please?
I can't seem to figure out why but bloggy is cutting my pictures in half. (almost)
It doesn't do this when I upload from my camera but it does when I upload from the net.
If you look at my last few posts the right side of the picture is cropped off a bit.
If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me.
Today we went for a walk...
I'm back.
When stuck in a blogging a blog game. :) This came from the always crazy Elsie.
Go to her blog. Get creative. She inspires me to put more pictures into my blog posts.
Twenty questions. Or less.
1. Show us the inside of something cute.
This website is really crazy. But I love it.
2. What was the last home cooking you had?
2. What was the last home cooking you had?
Travis. In fact tonight when we got home he thought it would be fun to tickle me until I couldn't breathe. Most of the time he just says funny stuff but sometimes he actually makes me laugh.
5. What's your favorite word?
Two words.

6. What are you trying to quit?
But I can't because I have a box full of them in my freezer. And they are so delicious.
Maybe the knot was tied a long time ago...

I met Travis John Roe while I was working at Grand Targhee. I was a liftee trying to survive a cold winter and he was a ski bum going to school in Rexburg but coming to Targ way more than his parents knew or approved of. :) He came with a big group of slightly obnoxious but nice friends in baggy snowpants and brightly colored hats. They were always pestering me because I was the only girl liftee (besides Carol...grey hair, dentures, leathery skin...not to much of a comparison. just saying.) and Travis in particular was always trying to get me to put my skis on and go for a run with them. Obviously I was always working so I never did. But he was persistent. :) As a side note: One thing that made him stand out from the crowd was the fact that he was always wearing tie dye. So the season was drawing to a close and I was getting ready to start school again. One day I heard one of Trav's friends yell his last name in my lift line (I already knew his first name) so naturally I facebook stalked him and added him as a friend. He makes fun of me for this now but if I hadn't done it we might never have gone on a date! So we started talking on facebook and he immediately asked for my number and then we started texting. And we went on our first date pretty soon after that. I only had a week left of work and he was going to be done with school that same week but somehow we managed to find time to go out. It was a tuesday. It was actually his birthday. :) Then we went skiing together twice that same week and by friday I was already smitten. I told my brothers like that next week that I thought I was going to marry this guy. They thought I was crazy but I knew there was something special about him. He was one to hold on to. So pretty much after that we saw eachother every day...until I went to Lake Mead with my sister and didn't have cell service for the whole weekend. But when I came back he was still just as interested as before. :) I knew it was just a matter of time. And then one day...about two months later he bought a ring. We got engaged on June 27th and it was the first day I realized I was actually going to spend the rest of my life with him. Then I started getting really nervous. But excited. But nervous. It's a weird feeling. But kind of the best feeling I have ever had. I feel like he was hand made just for me. He just gets me. He gets my humor and he thinks I am funny. He knows how to cheer me up when I am having a bad day and he knows how to handle it when I am super hyper. He is just perfect. It's cheesy and slightly generic but he's the one. I can't wait to marry him and know every day that I found the exact person I was meant to be with.
Someone said this to me the other day...I was telling them about Travis and how it's really soon but it doesn't matter. And he said...maybe you loved him before you came to earth and you should be happy that you found him. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones.
And I really am. I'm one of the lucky ones. :)
Eleven thousand five hundred and twenty minutes of class.
Forty eight quizzes.
Nineteen exams.
Three speeches.
Two class presentations.
One extremely boring research paper.
One very lenient teacher.
One not so lenient teacher.
Fourteen weeks.
One stolen...or maybe ipod.
Thirty seven diamonds.
And its over. I made it through another one. And now I have to go clean the fridge. :)
Forty eight quizzes.
Nineteen exams.
Three speeches.
Two class presentations.
One extremely boring research paper.
One very lenient teacher.
One not so lenient teacher.
Fourteen weeks.
One stolen...or maybe ipod.
Thirty seven diamonds.
And its over. I made it through another one. And now I have to go clean the fridge. :)
Raining on our parade.
Remember when I used to blog? Yeah that was cool.
So I have like six blog posts started....but not posted. I'm working on it ok.

This is Andy.
This is when he got home from his mission. He is such a good example to me. He wrote us faithfully every week. I think I kind of grew up while he was gone. When he came home I think he didn't know who I was. But then we lived next door to each other for a semester of college and I'm pretty sure the only meals he ever ate were when he was at my house. :)

He's a tough cowboy and he knows how to work hard. He knows how to fix stuff when it breaks. The other night I came home to swan valley and when I was walking in from the car I almost got eaten by a raccoon. It was scary. And then he went and shot it. He knows how to take care of the people he loves.

And this is the girl he is going to marry in two days. They are so in love. More than anyone I know. I love them. Really he is older than me but I have always kind of felt like he was my little brother. And now he's getting married.
No. I'm not crying. Ok maybe a little.
So I have like six blog posts started....but not posted. I'm working on it ok.
This is Andy.
This is when he got home from his mission. He is such a good example to me. He wrote us faithfully every week. I think I kind of grew up while he was gone. When he came home I think he didn't know who I was. But then we lived next door to each other for a semester of college and I'm pretty sure the only meals he ever ate were when he was at my house. :)
He's a tough cowboy and he knows how to work hard. He knows how to fix stuff when it breaks. The other night I came home to swan valley and when I was walking in from the car I almost got eaten by a raccoon. It was scary. And then he went and shot it. He knows how to take care of the people he loves.
And this is the girl he is going to marry in two days. They are so in love. More than anyone I know. I love them. Really he is older than me but I have always kind of felt like he was my little brother. And now he's getting married.
No. I'm not crying. Ok maybe a little.
Good News and Bad News
Bad news first. My roommate is leaving in a few short hours to go to Europe for an entire month.
Good news. There is a certain boy that will no doubt be around to keep me company. :)
Good news. There is a certain boy that will no doubt be around to keep me company. :)
Sunshine and surfboards.
So I got to spend a whole weekend with my sister in one of the coolest places I have ever been.
Lake Mead. It was so cool. We spent the whole day on the lake learning to wake surf. SOOO fun. We all got a little bit of sun and loved every minute of it. Courtney (far right) and I went exploring. There are all these mussels in the lake. It's so weird. They all attach to the rock walls just under the surface of the water. They are kind of freaky. So when I say we went exploring I mean I went exploring and she floated me around on the tube. LeeAnn came all the way from AZ and we were so happy to see her.
The weekend consisted of marshmallow roasting, Cory singing I Believe In a Thing Called Love for us around the campfire, tan lines, new swimming suits, Self and Glamour, running out of gas and getting a flat tire, walking through smoky casinos, and smelling like campfire smoke the whole time. It was a blast. However I did miss a certain boy while I had no cell service. :)
Sleep. Who needs it?
So here it is. Two o clock in the a.m. and I am sitting on my computer unable to sleep. There are a few good reasons why I'm finding it hard to let my brain shut off for a few hours tonight...but we'll get to that later.
Things I want to talk about......
Things I want to talk about......
- My job was completely crazy and sucked my social life away for the last few months...but I loved it. :) A few things I learned while braving the treacherous weather to make other people happy.....1. There is a huge difference between a hippie and a dirty hippie. 2. Weed smells like a skunk. 3. Sunblock is your friend unless you like the thought of skin cancer. 4. Some people actually DO get to ski for a living. 5. I can basically predict when a storm is coming for days in advance. It's just a feeling you get. 6. It's actually ok to be environmentally friendly and recycle. No one will make fun of you. 7. Sometimes those annoying boys that flirt with me while I was punching their tickets turn out to be awesome guys. :) Just watch out for the ones wearing tie dye.
- When you get locked out of your house...the doggie door actually does come in handy. Just don't tell anyone you had to crawl through it. And lock it at night so creepy stalker people or skunks can't get in too.
- You know you have been away too long when the thought of jumping back into the rexburg bubble actually sounds appealing.
- I am setting a few really good goals this semester...I'll post on them later I am sure.
- So I was logging on to my computer the other day and checking out a few blogs I read pretty regularly and I was pretty disappointed to find that there were no new posts. But then I realized I am a total hipocrite and I never ever post anymore. So I'm going to do better guys. I promise. My life is less repetitive and slightly less interesting now so I will have much more time to write about it, but it won't be as exciting. So sorry. :)
- Something one of my teachers said this week in class that I kind of loved....."If you have enough time to plaigarize well enough to not get caught, you have enough time to write the dang paper yourself."
- And now the most important.....well actually I think I am going to keep this a secret for a few more posts. It's a big deal but not big enough to start a new blog or something.....details coming soon. Promise.
Coming soon...
Blog posts about-
My job.
Bleach blonde.
Speed scrabble and Nerts.
The Doggie Door Incident.
White Chocolate Truffles.
Just wait and see..............................
My job.
Bleach blonde.
Speed scrabble and Nerts.
The Doggie Door Incident.
White Chocolate Truffles.
Just wait and see..............................
So I have decided to do a little project something like the self portrait project...only backwards. I am going to delve into my archives of family photos...the ones that I have taken anyway and share with all (three) of you the reasons that I love my family so much. I am going to start with the youngest sibling and work my way to the oldest. (I think they are like middle aged at this point?) This is more for me than anything but whatever. Here goes nothing.
Emma Olivia
Really? I would be typing foot?
Before I start the real post...
So I recently got text messaging and I am still having a really hard time figuring out how to type. For example, just now I was texting this cute boy that I work with. I was trying to write don't...and my predictive text thought I wanted to write foot. That is just not a word you want to accidentally send to a cute boy.
I just moved to a new town a few weeks ago and I have spent a lot of hours alone since then which has made me really pay attention to the small details. I have a roommate, but she has a boyfriend which means that she is rarely here for more than ten minutes at a time. I'm not actually home that much either (working six days a week has it's disadvantages) so mostly just at nights. But here are a few things that my world is revolving around right now.
Calvin. My roommates cat. Scratch that. My roommates mountain lion. Sometimes he's my friend and I like him. (This is usually when he's sleeping.) Sometimes I just want to drown him in the fish tank. But then I would just have to clean up the mess because my roommate wouldn't see it for a week. He likes to sit on one of our dining room chairs and watch the fish. He seriously can sit there for hours.

My purple fuzzy lamp. It's seriously my favorite belonging. Well it's at least tying with my ipod.
Sorry so blurry..but what can ya do? My new purple coat. Why yes actually, purple is my new favorite color thanks for asking.
These blue earrings. I seriously wear them every day to work and everyday ten million people tell me they love my earrings. My secret is that my little sis gave them to me. She obviously has better fashion sense than I do. :)
I donated blood the other day. For the second time ever. It was awesome. And this is my sweet old green chair.
This is the view from my "office". :)
Isn't it a great life?
So I recently got text messaging and I am still having a really hard time figuring out how to type. For example, just now I was texting this cute boy that I work with. I was trying to write don't...and my predictive text thought I wanted to write foot. That is just not a word you want to accidentally send to a cute boy.
I just moved to a new town a few weeks ago and I have spent a lot of hours alone since then which has made me really pay attention to the small details. I have a roommate, but she has a boyfriend which means that she is rarely here for more than ten minutes at a time. I'm not actually home that much either (working six days a week has it's disadvantages) so mostly just at nights. But here are a few things that my world is revolving around right now.
My purple fuzzy lamp. It's seriously my favorite belonging. Well it's at least tying with my ipod.
Isn't it a great life?
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